Sunday 6 October 2019


Maszlee (seated, third from right) and Amin (seated, third from left) smiles for a group photo with retired English language teachers who volunteered for the Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) Mentor pilot project

STARTING next year, the Education Ministry will look at providing incentives, such as allowances, to retired English language teachers who take part in the ministry’s Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) in schools.

Known as HIP Mentor, the programme brings in retired English language teachers on a voluntary basis.

A HIP Mentor pilot project was conducted for three months from June to September, aimed at increasing the usage of English for activities outside the classroom.

It involved 28 retired teachers in 27 schools across eight states in the country.

Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik said he will request the Government to provide these teachers with incentives.

“Although it’s done voluntarily, these teachers should be awarded accordingly.

“We will expand this programme to (more) schools across the country next year.

“The English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC) is still studying the outcome and how many schools to expand it to.

“An official report is being prepared but the unofficial report I received is very impressive and I am in awe of the contribution and energy of these retired teachers,” he told reporters after presenting certificates of appreciation to the retired teachers who volunteered for the pilot project.

The ELTC, which falls under the ministry, was tasked with implementing the HIP Mentor pilot project.

In the three months, Maszlee said the teachers managed to involve all students in their English activities.

“Students’ level of confidence in speaking and writing in English also improved.

“We hope more retired English language teachers will come forward to be mentors.

“The HIP Mentor programme epitomises the true passion of educators regardless of age.

“I am astonished that we have volunteers aged from 60 to 83,” he added.

Maszlee said the goal of the programme is for Malaysian students to be proficient and to communicate confidently in the English language.

“Transformation must take place in the classroom.

“Students must be exposed to various English language activities that will spur their interest and create love for the language.

“Encourage students to speak the language through fun activities and to use English during lessons.

“School heads are the catalyst in spearheading (the programme) at the school level by creating conducive environments for change to take place as well as encouraging teachers, and engaging parents and the community to contribute towards the successful implementation of the HIP Mentor programme,” he said.

Also present at the event was Education director-general Datuk Dr Amin Senin.


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